Tenant Evictions in Ewing, New Jersey: A Landlords Guide

Tenant Evictions in Ewing, New Jersey: A Landlords Guide

Tenant evictions can be stressful and expensive, whether you're in Ewing, New Jersey, or anywhere else. For landlords, the average cost of hiring an eviction lawyer can range from $750 to several thousand dollars. This expense can be a hard pill to swallow, as the reality is evictions can often end up in court.

The best landlord advice is to take each step by the law. If tenants fail to comply with notices, you're within your legal right to court action. Let's dive into this landlord's guide on handling evictions to learn all the information you'll need in such situations.

Common Reasons for Evictions

Rental evictions take place when tenants fail to fulfill their responsibilities under the lease agreement. Some examples include late or missed rent payments, failure to follow lease terms, causing damage to the property, or engaging in illegal activities.

As a landlord, please bear in mind that eviction is not an immediate solution for every minor conflict. While your goal should be to create a stable rental income, long-term renters may deserve a second chance. If you're not sure what the best course of action is, consult a professional property management company.

Notice to the Tenant

In Ewing, New Jersey, you don't have to give your tenants a notice of eviction. However, we recommend doing so, as it can help prevent misunderstandings and preserve your reputation as a landlord. Notices are usually given three or thirty days before the date you plan to file for eviction.

Should you lack a legal basis to evict, you must wait until the current tenancy term ends. In cases where you're managing a month-to-month tenancy, you need to provide your tenant with a one-month written notice to end the arrangement. However, for tenants with a fixed-term lease, you're generally not required to provide any notice.

Legal Action: Filing a Complaint

If the tenant fails to improve the situation, you must file a complaint at a New Jersey court. Your court will depend on the location of your rental unit.

Landlords must provide details, such as nonpayment of rent, when filing a complaint. You must also pay a fee.

Enforcing the Eviction

If the court rules in your favor, an officer receives a warrant of removal. Only this officer can remove the tenant from your property. It's essential to never attempt to carry out an eviction yourself, as this violates the renter's rights.

Making Tenant Evictions Seamless

On the surface, tenant evictions in New Jersey might appear to be simple. After all, you're not obliged to inform your tenant, provided they've violated their rental agreement.

If you don't have a legal reason for eviction, you then have two options remaining: either wait for the tenancy period to conclude or take the bolder step of filing a formal complaint.

At PMI Essential, we recognize the uncertainties landlords face during evictions. This is why our Eviction Protection Plan is designed to provide you with expert support. Contact us today to make your eviction process manageable.
